3 ways you can save money this month

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Have you ever thought about getting your finances in order, saving and investing but it all seemed so overwhelming that you gave up before you even got started? It’s very…

Under 40? Your super still matters.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

So, you’re under forty. Should you be thinking about your superannuation? The answer is yes. Super is important no matter your age. We’re facing a problem, the baby boomers (yes,…

The 3 steps to a successful financial plan.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Finances can be complex. We have found, through years of working with clients to achieve their goals, that simplicity is the best way to ensure that someone commits to and…

3 steps you can take to better prepare for your retirement

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Even though retirement may seem like a long way off for many of you (closer for some!), have you ever asked yourself, “how am I going to retire”? It is…

Let’s control what we can

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

In many places around the world only the rich ‘play’ the finance markets. Other people would never dream of having spare money to invest. Australia is different. We have a…

3 Steps to financial success in your 40’s.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Have you turned the big 40? This decade is one of the most important when it comes to your financial success. Usually, you are entering a higher income earning period…

To pay off debt, or invest?

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Pay off debt or invest One of the most common questions people ask me is whether they should pay off debt or invest? Well, the answer is……. it depends. Actually,…

What is Financial Planning?

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

When people think of financial planning they think about investment management. Where should I invest my money? Who will invest it for me? While this plays a part of a…

Everybody wants to retire, but do you know how it actually works?

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Most of us have superannuation, and most of us understand, in general, how it works while we work, but how many of us understand how superannuation works in retirement? Firstly,…