3 Steps to financial success in your 40’s.

Have you turned the big 40? This decade is one of the most important when it comes to your financial success. Usually, you are entering a higher income earning period of your life. You may have partnered up, you could have kids. You are dealing with a mortgage or rent, rising living costs, school fees, having to buy healthy food (boy, that can be expensive), paying back your HELP debts and you are facing the increasing pressure to ‘keep up with the Jones’ because after 40 you are supposed to start being responsible and successful, right?
So how do you take care of all of this?
At Smart Happy Money we like to keep things simple and achievable. So we developed 3 steps to financial success in your forties.
Protect, Secure and Grow.
The first step is to protect what you already have and what is most important. This includes your life, income and health via insurance. Holding the right level and kind of insurance can mean that should the worst happen, you and your family are protected. Estate planning is also an important consideration during this stage of life. If you don’t have a Will, get one. This will ensure that your assets are divided the way that you want them to be and your legacy is protected.
The next step is to secure your lifestyle and financial situation. This is done by having a plan in place to deal with your debts, learning how to control your cashflow and locking down your future by getting your super to work hard for you.
Our minds now turn to growth. Look at ways to increase your income. Spend what you need and invest the rest. Build an asset that will help you to achieve your lifestyle and financial dreams.
Your forties are an important and exciting time of your life. The steps you take now will determine the life that you are able to live right now, all the way through to your retirement.
Live a life that is full of happiness and success. Protect your life, your income and your family, secure your future, your retirement and your lifestyle and lastly grow your wealth, your assets and your possibilities.
Have a great day and feel free to get in touch!
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Ben Graham-Nellor is an advisor, coach, blogger and speaker who has worked in the financial services industry for over 15 years. He believes that by educating and advising people today, they can improve their tomorrow.
Ben Graham-Nellor is a Sub Authorised Representative (291391) of BGN Financial Management PTY LTD (ABN 45 672 104 196) which is a corporate authorised representative (468796) of Professional Investment Services Pty Ltd (ABN 11 074 608 558) which is the holder of Australian Financial Services License No.234951. Website |www.centrepointalliance.com.au/PIS
smart.happy.money is a trading name of BGN Financial Management PTY LTD
This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.