The Precinct
Bayswater Business Precinct (BBP)
The Bayswater Business Precinct is a Regionally Significant Industrial Precinct (RSIP) and important economic asset in Melbourne’s east, and broader metropolitan Melbourne. It is the second largest employment precinct in the Eastern Metro Region and is home to a strong ecosystem of well connected industries with robust local supply chains. Businesses in the precinct are diverse and include small to medium sized family businesses as well as global multinationals.
In terms of productivity the BBP can be described as an economic powerhouse with a strong core of innovative and technology based businesses which position it as a key player in advanced manufacturing and industry 4.0. The key drivers of the local economy for export, employment, value added and local expenditure are advanced manufacturing, professional scientific and technical services, construction and wholesale trade. Much of the wholesale trade sector is closely connected to the manufacturing sector through well developed local supply chains which deliver significant economic benefits for the region.
If you can't get it made in the BBP you can't get it made.
Established Network
Establish a network of small, medium, and multi national businesses connected into a strong regional economy and supply chains.
Did you know?
Over 30 per cent of businesses' suppliers are within the immediate region and 21 per cent are within Victoria.
Manufacturing Excellence
Critical mass in manufacturing, construction and wholesale trade.
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80 per cent of precinct revenue is created by strong business to business supply chains.
Strong Employment
BBP is the second largest employment precinct in the Eastern Metro Region.
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5,000 businesses and more than 33,000 people are employed within the BBP.
Close Workforce
Large workforce and population catchments.
Did you know?
70 per cent of workers are within Knox, Maroondah and Yarra Ranges. There will be an estimated 42,000 employees by 2041. There are many business looking to diversify and attract highly skilled workers.
Strategic Location
Contains large, strategic sites that are well positioned for redevelopment and reinvestment.
Did you know?
210 plus hectares of land on large lots are greater than 15,000 square metres and with low (less than 30 per cent) site coverage.
Great Access
The precinct has access to major roads/highways and proximity to customers, clients and suppliers.
Did you know?
BBP customers are predominantly in South East Melbourne (27.5 per cent) and Greater Melbourne (26.5 per cent).
Meet the makers and find out about what makes the BBP so special.