Let’s control what we can

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

In many places around the world only the rich ‘play’ the finance markets. Other people would never dream of having spare money to invest. Australia is different. We have a…

Paying attention to this can make a HUGE difference to your finances.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Cash Flow, Cash Flow and More Cash Flow Can I depersonalise you for a minute? (You’ll have to stick with me for this) You are an entity. An entity that…

It’s time to plan……. to plan.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Have you ever felt that your finances are out of control?  Or that you should be doing more with them? You’re not alone.  Not many people take the time to make…

3 Steps to financial success in your 40’s.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Have you turned the big 40? This decade is one of the most important when it comes to your financial success. Usually, you are entering a higher income earning period…

To pay off debt, or invest?

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Pay off debt or invest One of the most common questions people ask me is whether they should pay off debt or invest? Well, the answer is……. it depends. Actually,…

3 ways to teach your kids about money

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Do you have kids? Well, they are not born understanding money. Most of what kids learn comes from you, the parent. Here’s 3 ways to teach your kids about money.…

What is Financial Planning?

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

When people think of financial planning they think about investment management. Where should I invest my money? Who will invest it for me? While this plays a part of a…

Everybody wants to retire, but do you know how it actually works?

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Most of us have superannuation, and most of us understand, in general, how it works while we work, but how many of us understand how superannuation works in retirement? Firstly,…

It’s all about the cash flow. 3 Tips to control yours.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

Have you ever heard the term ‘Cash flow is king’? Usually it is said in reference to small (or large) business. It means that it doesn’t matter how much money…

A new era, a new way of financial advice and……….. a new name.

Advisor, Coach, Speaker - Smart Happy Money

In 2006 I decided to strike out on my own and begin a financial planning practice. My desire at that time was to help people save for their retirement and…