Australian Exd Electric Actuators produced in Bayswater

Business Services Manager - Acrodyne Pty Ltd

Acrodyne has been included as an “Additional Manufacturing Location” on the IECEx Certificate of Conformity. This means we can produce in Australia Limitorque MX and QX electric actuators conforming to…

Wheels In Motion Newsletter June – A Windy night in June

Welcome to Wheels in Motion Newsletter The monthly newsletter produced by CNB Safe Speakers What a month…   We here from Bek (our website & graphics guru), who was forced to…

How to manage the risks associated with working in heat

When was the last time you reviewed your business’ heat management plan? With summer upon us, now is a good time to review and update your plan to help manage…

Why some people can’t wear facemasks

Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton said recently there were good reasons why some people can’t wear a mask: A number […] are legitimately not able to wear masks so please don’t…

Safety Month is Every Month

Workplace Safety Speaker - CNBSafe Safety Speakers

Watch Video Message Here – Safety Month is every Month   Why do we have a Safety Month? October in Australia is National Safe Work Month and SafeWork Australia say it is “A…

Woody’s Top 5 Toolbox Topics

Workplace Safety Speaker - CNBSafe Safety Speakers

Using the right talk There is a never ending supply of toolbox talk topics you can choose from. A great way of looking at these themes is to allocate one…

Ready to re-open? SneezScreen helps protect against droplet infection

Director - Wattrix

Is your business ready to re-open?  You can help build confidence in a safe workplace and minimise the risk of COVID-19 to your employees by installing SneezScreen Protective Screens.  You…

COVID-19 Emergency Electrical Maintenance Services

Director - Wattrix

Wattrix Electrical are offering 24 hour, 7 day a week assistance to the local community during this challenging time. STRICT HYGIENE POLICY  Our electricians are equipped with and have been trained…