Time to get serious about sexual harassment

Founder/Director/Practice Leader at Ridgeline HR & President of the Foothills Foundation & Executive Member of Communities of Wellbeing - Ridgeline HR

On 10 September 2021, our federal parliament passed the Sex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amendment Act 2021 which, among other measures, provided the Fair Work Commission with new powers…

FWC decides on 2.5% increase to award wages

Founder/Director/Practice Leader at Ridgeline HR & President of the Foothills Foundation & Executive Member of Communities of Wellbeing - Ridgeline HR

The Fair Work Commission has handed down its decision in the 2020-2021 Annual Wage Review. The result is a 2.5% increase in the National Minimum Wage taking it to $772.60…

New rules on casual employment and conversion

Founder/Director/Practice Leader at Ridgeline HR & President of the Foothills Foundation & Executive Member of Communities of Wellbeing - Ridgeline HR

New rules on casual employment The Fair Work Act 2009 was recently amended to change workplace rights and obligations with respect to casual employees effective from Saturday 27 March 2021…