Road to Recovery

The current environment of Covid-19 is by no means over. We still have a long way to go to defeat this virus.
As we plan our road to recovery we will all see changes, some basic and some more than. History will probably remember 2020 as the year of washing hands and not touching our faces.
Our businesses have changed. Everywhere we go we see hand sanitiser and disinfectant. In the coming weeks it is hoped that many will leave the home office to return to the offices that were occupied prior to the pandemic. Social distancing, sorry no hand shaking or hugging allowed just yet.
So as employers we will be required to implement many new initiatives to help provide a safe and clean environment for all.
Now when it comes to washing hands this is where we can help. There are many options on offer, some good and some less than. It is easy for us to recite “Cheap is Rarely Good and GOOD is Rarely CHEAP”.
If you are considering or looking for Hands Free Tapware in your workplace reach out and ask. The benefits are more than just helping to reduce the transmission between staff, it can also reduce your running costs associated.
Call us now on 0418 380 565 and let us help on the road back to normality