BBP Traffic Monitoring Upgrades
Have you noticed there are more traffic monitoring cameras and sensors in the BBP along Mountain Highway, Dorset Road, Scoresby Road and Boronia Road?
Near the Bayswater Activity Centre and through the BBP and key freight routes around the BBP numerous upgrades and monitoring stations have been implemented. This includes air quality monitoring, dynamic pedestrian crossings and travel signs showing the time and distance to popular routes.
As part of the State Government’s Smarter Review Program, Melbourne’s Traffic Light Review is one of the most crucial traffic tools benefitting the day-by-day lives of locals and businesses.
Signal engineers have focused on suburbs- such as Bayswater- that have been transformed by the removal of busy and dangerous level crossing. This will enhance green light synchronisation and improve flow and reduced queuing on the local and major arterial roads. Passengers on buses and trams will also benefit from enhancements.
Along Mountain Highway, Dorset Road, Scoresby Road, Stud Road and Boronia Road in Knox new traffic monitoring cameras have been installed to help staff at the Transport Operations Centre (TOC) identify incidents and respond quickly to help keep people and goods moving. These cameras are not used for traffic infringements and only uses live footage for traffic management purposes.
Along Mountain highway a new roadside air quality monitoring is at this location. This will measure particulate matter, noxious gases, GHG gases, noise, and meteorology.
New dynamic pedestrian crossing technology has been installed to ensure that pedestrians are kept moving safely in the heart of Bayswater Activity Center.
A live travel sign has been installed on Bayswater road. These digital signs display travel times for nearby routes that help make decisions about how to get around quickly.
By 2026, the smarter roads program will have reviewed every set of traffic lights on arterial roads across Metropolitan Melbourne.
for more information see Smarter Roads Locations | Smarter Roads | VicRoads
Written by Wenlong Chi