Saving or Cost
It doesn’t matter which way you write this it all ends in the same place. Now so I don’t end up in trouble I wont identify any individual or other directly.
As most of our time is spent in reactive maintenance(simple terms fixing problems or breakdowns) we are rarely surprised by what we find. Our favorite saying is “What were they THINKING” when we look at many of the jobs we attend.
I personally thank all of the Teachers and Instructors that I had when I was an apprentice many years ago. In todays terms, I was certainly Privileged.
Small business is about taking a risk. Generally it is calculated(as best we possibly can of course). You might engage an Architect or Designer to bring your thoughts and dreams from concept to reality. Without going through all of the trades let me just give you what I believe is one of the most important bits of advice you should do. Meet all of the trades that are going to be engaged on your project and TALK to each one individually. Of course the Head Contractor wont be too impressed but in today’s environment, they will get over it. Our biggest headache is the short-cuts dues to cost cutting.
Recently I attended a site, leaking tap, simple. Not so. A simple stop tap in the cupboard was not installed(conservative cost around $60 installed at the time). The isolation point, that is in the ceiling nearly 5mtrs above ground. Now given that the location is public the manager and security needed to be involved. I had to be escorted through the centre with a ladder, fix the tap, get escorted back out. Simple yes. Wasted Time and cost, huge.
A Good Tradesman thinks about the big picture, not just the quick buck$$$$$$
Simple steps to save you money, just talk to a Good Tradesman.