Interns in Industry 2021 – Connecting Deakin students with local businesses

If your business is time or resource poor, or looking to bring fresh ideas and a new perspective into your workplace – then it may be time to consider hosting an intern.
This free program runs between July and September and provides reciprocal benefits for both students and businesses to have the opportunity to connect with and utilise skills, insights and the dedication of final year undergraduate and postgraduate students from Deakin Business School. Business hosts are not required to pay students, as participation forms part of the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) internship unit and gains credit points towards their degree.
Students must complete between 100-120 hours (based around your business requirements) working on real business problems and projects relevant to their area of study.
Applications open from Monday, 22 March 2021 until Wednesday, 28 April 2021.
For more information view the Interns in Industry flyer
Interns in Industry 2021 – Connecting Deakin students with local businesses

If your business is time or resource poor, or looking to bring fresh ideas and a new perspective into your workplace – then it may be time to consider hosting an intern.
This free program runs between July and September and provides reciprocal benefits for both students and businesses to have the opportunity to connect with and utilise skills, insights and the dedication of final year undergraduate and postgraduate students from Deakin Business School. Business hosts are not required to pay students, as participation forms part of the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) internship unit and gains credit points towards their degree.
Students must complete between 100-120 hours (based around your business requirements) working on real business problems and projects relevant to their area of study.
Applications open from Monday, 22 March 2021 until Wednesday, 28 April 2021.
For more information view the Interns in Industry flyer