Impending Waste Tyre Export Ban

Each year, Australia generates 450,000 tonnes of end-of-life tyres each year, of which 75 per cent is from passenger cars, buses and trucks. While around 72 per cent go to productive outcomes, the remainder is sent to landfill, buried or stockpiled.
The Commonwealth’s waste export ban on all used tyres comes into effect 1 December 2021.
From 1 December 2021 you will only be able to export:
- bus, truck and aviation tyres for re-treading to a verified re-treading facility
- tyres that have been processed into crumbs, buffings, granules or shreds
- tyres that have been processed into tyre-derived fuel.
TyreStewardship Australia (TSA) encourages tyre recyclers, collectors and retailers in each municipality to play their part to help reduce the environmental and social harm from end-of-life tyres.
For more information, visit
Impending Waste Tyre Export Ban

Each year, Australia generates 450,000 tonnes of end-of-life tyres each year, of which 75 per cent is from passenger cars, buses and trucks. While around 72 per cent go to productive outcomes, the remainder is sent to landfill, buried or stockpiled.
The Commonwealth’s waste export ban on all used tyres comes into effect 1 December 2021.
From 1 December 2021 you will only be able to export:
- bus, truck and aviation tyres for re-treading to a verified re-treading facility
- tyres that have been processed into crumbs, buffings, granules or shreds
- tyres that have been processed into tyre-derived fuel.
TyreStewardship Australia (TSA) encourages tyre recyclers, collectors and retailers in each municipality to play their part to help reduce the environmental and social harm from end-of-life tyres.
For more information, visit