Boronia CBD Biz Facade Round 2 Grants OPEN

ROUND 2 NOW OPEN: $100,000 worth of Business Façade Grants to help spruce up Boronia’s CBD!
Following on from the first successful round of $50,000, I’m stoked to continue to back in local businesses in the Boronia CBD with a new round of Business Façade Grants as a part of the Andrews Labor Governments Boronia Revitalisation program.
Individual businesses, arcades, shopping centres, community organisation or not-for-profit organisations can apply for a maximum $5,000. This is a 1:1 co-funded contribution, meaning you agree to fund the equal amount applied for in this grant.
It could be for things like a refresh, repair or maintenance to the businesses’ existing façade, window treatments and permanent window fixtures, or signage.
This program is fully funded by the Andrews Labor Government with support from Knox Councip to administer and I was stoked to help secure this program which is backing in local business.
It’s another big step forward in revitalising the CBD, bringing it back to life and enabling our ripper local businesses to thrive.
Boronia CBD Biz Facade Round 2 Grants OPEN

ROUND 2 NOW OPEN: $100,000 worth of Business Façade Grants to help spruce up Boronia’s CBD!
Following on from the first successful round of $50,000, I’m stoked to continue to back in local businesses in the Boronia CBD with a new round of Business Façade Grants as a part of the Andrews Labor Governments Boronia Revitalisation program.
Individual businesses, arcades, shopping centres, community organisation or not-for-profit organisations can apply for a maximum $5,000. This is a 1:1 co-funded contribution, meaning you agree to fund the equal amount applied for in this grant.
It could be for things like a refresh, repair or maintenance to the businesses’ existing façade, window treatments and permanent window fixtures, or signage.
This program is fully funded by the Andrews Labor Government with support from Knox Councip to administer and I was stoked to help secure this program which is backing in local business.
It’s another big step forward in revitalising the CBD, bringing it back to life and enabling our ripper local businesses to thrive.