Acrodyne introduce QR Codes for increased support of our Limitorque products

We are currently rolling out Limitorque MX and QX electric valve actuators fitted with the below QR Code plates, when scanned will direct you to Acrodyne Pty Ltd resource page where you can access manuals, configure wiring diagrams and view our library of support videos covering set-up and various configuration options.
Naturally our technical staff are always keen to assist and can be contacted on — 1300 4 ACTUATORS (1300 422 882)
#actuators #actuator #oilandgas #australian #waterindustry #powergeneration #acrodyne #oilandgasindustry #water #limitorque #wastewatertreatment #steelindustry #mining #watertreatment #valves #miningindustry #gas
Acrodyne introduce QR Codes for increased support of our Limitorque products

We are currently rolling out Limitorque MX and QX electric valve actuators fitted with the below QR Code plates, when scanned will direct you to Acrodyne Pty Ltd resource page where you can access manuals, configure wiring diagrams and view our library of support videos covering set-up and various configuration options.
Naturally our technical staff are always keen to assist and can be contacted on — 1300 4 ACTUATORS (1300 422 882)
#actuators #actuator #oilandgas #australian #waterindustry #powergeneration #acrodyne #oilandgasindustry #water #limitorque #wastewatertreatment #steelindustry #mining #watertreatment #valves #miningindustry #gas