Acrodyne build IECEX Hazardous area approved Limitorque electric actuators.

Business Services Manager - Acrodyne Pty Ltd

These Acrodyne Pty Ltd built Limitorque built MX actuators have been in service many years and performing perfectly at one of Melbourne Water water treatment plants.

We are proud to add to our capabilities the unique ability to build IECEX Hazardous area approved Limitorque MX & QX electric actuators.

Acrodyne is now an “Additional Manufacturing Location” nominated on the IECEX Certificate of Conformity.

We now are able to extend the ability to locally build IECEX Limitorque actuators in Australia in our Quick Response Centre.


Business Services Manager - Acrodyne Pty Ltd

Acrodyne build IECEX Hazardous area approved Limitorque electric actuators.

Business Services Manager - Acrodyne Pty Ltd

These Acrodyne Pty Ltd built Limitorque built MX actuators have been in service many years and performing perfectly at one of Melbourne Water water treatment plants.

We are proud to add to our capabilities the unique ability to build IECEX Hazardous area approved Limitorque MX & QX electric actuators.

Acrodyne is now an “Additional Manufacturing Location” nominated on the IECEX Certificate of Conformity.

We now are able to extend the ability to locally build IECEX Limitorque actuators in Australia in our Quick Response Centre.


Business Services Manager - Acrodyne Pty Ltd