Local Businesses

Directory of Local Businesses that support the Bayswater Business Precinct

Financial and Insurance Services

Smart Happy Money

  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Financial Services
  • Personal Insurance

Educating and advising people today, to improve their tomorrow.

Smart Happy Money empowers you to achieve success through financial coaching and strategic advice. You are an individual and your financial needs are as individual as you are. That's why we work with you to discover your goals and walk alongside you as you achieve them. Take the first step and book a 15 minute quick call today and one of our coaches will chat with you about your goals and the steps you can take to live a life of abundance.

Our founder, Ben Graham-Nellor is passionate about helping 'everyday' people get ahead through careful planning, coaching and education. We meet with our clients at our offices in Melbourne's eastern suburbs or online.

We look forward to helping you achieve your goals and dreams.