Local Businesses
Directory of Local Businesses that support the Bayswater Business Precinct
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Office Telecommunications, Printing & IT
Section Group
Section Technologies is not just a supplier of software, maintenance and IT Support in Ringwood, Croydon & Bayswater. We like to think of ourselves as solution consultants.
Our Difference: We choose to supply solutions we have done thorough research, testing and where possible used ourselves.
Our Policy: We strive to provide our customers with practical IT solutions that will assist them, and move away from one-off, quick fix methods that are not up to our standards.
Our Reason: We strive for customer satisfaction and retention; from inquiry, to evaluation, all the way through to implementation; we are with you the whole way. All the solutions we supply are backed by our local premium; Section Technologies’ ‘1st Level Nationwide Support’, as well as our in-house IT consultancy, training, and integration programs. Our ongoing services and solutions offer you a wide variety of resources to suit your needs.
The solutions and services we provide cater for a wide spectrum of businesses ranging from SMBs to Larger Corporations, Educational Institutions and Not-for-Profit Organisations. We also can provide specialist solutions for all levels of Government Agencies.
Information Technology is a complex and rapidly changing field, so we at Section Technologies stay at the cutting edge of system protection and management to keep our clients safe from Cyber Crime and potential threats to their company.
30 163 967 860